Saturday, November 24, 2012

Six more days...

The week of my mole removal is finally coming up... I feel this strong "nesting" instinct...gotta prepare, gotta get ready! Must clean the house, must buy some loose sweatpants that won't rub against the excision area and stitches. I must make sure my mother's blood pressure pills will be enough to last her until I am up and about again...maybe I should refill just in case.. I must do this, must do that... geez, its not like I am having open-heart surgery or anything, I really need to breathe... surgery just scares me, what can I say. I think its knowing that this can go either way afterwards, might be that all will be good, biopsy will come back fine, or all hell will break loose if its malignant, ugh! Hopefully taking care of my little wound afterwards will keep me preoccupied while waiting for the pathology report.

On a happier note: My mom got me some adorable doggie slippers for my post surgery recovery around the house. I will post a pic of them this week. They put a smile on my face.

I have been waiting for this to finally happen and to be over with but now I feel, all of the sudden, like I am not prepared yet....well, It's time to get prepared!!!

Now, onto a gory reality: This is an example of what my surgery will consist of...the same type/shape of excision except mine will be in a very sensitive spot- the inner thigh/groin area :(
I warn ya, Its not an easy video to watch, its surgery. Surgeries aren't exactly pretty.

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