Friday, November 16, 2012

Surgery moved up a week :(

Got a call Tuesday am, apparently the surgeon came in and looked at her schedule and saw she was booked for surgeries on Friday (Black Friday, day after turkey day). She can't keep those surgeries as she will be out of town. So they pushed my surgery up to the following Friday, November 30th. I had it all set at work, did the necessary paperwork and was approved, had to go back in and redo.

Another week added now of anxiety. In the meantime this ugly mole is doing its repetitive change. Does its weird growth and ulcerates, then crusts a bit, and repeats..... Here are some recent pics, though they are kinda gross, it's important and helps anyone who has a similar looking mole. Looking at people's blogs and pics have helped me in a way, so I feel I should share as well during this mole "scare".

Notice the dark irregular border (used to be just a roundish border with no elevated middle part)

a recent ulceration again, with crusting and oozing, many colors are seen

This is when it grows and becomes a tad sore before ulcerating. The borders have definitely over the
past few months become more irregular. 

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